Update - Buenas Noches and El Pacayal Stove Project Completed
Hi All -
It has been a long time since I updated the Honduras Stove
Project blog. My apologies!
After finishing work in El Injerto, we moved on to build
eco-stoves in Buenas Noches and El Pacayal, adding 72 completed eco-stoves in
the region served by the Remote Village Project of the Virginia Medical Center
Brigade. These two communities are inaccessible by road, requiring a
steep hike from the end of the passable road in Resumidero. They are also
incredibly picturesque.
View of Buenas Noches from Above
Roof of the School Visible on Right
Health Study
For these
villages, we added a significant additional facet – a study of the impact of eco-stoves
on the lung function of school-age children in Buenas Noches. We gathered all of the school children
together and two doctors from Georgetown University, Dr. Wolfgang Rennert and
Dr. Michelle Porras, conducted lung function tests.
Drs. Rennert and Porras with Nelson Martinez Discuss
Lung Function Tests with the Community
Dr. Porras Noting Study Data
Dr. Rennert Testing Lung Capacity
The same
team returned six months later and took the same measurements for the same
children. The test results showed a
strong improvement in lung function among the children of Buenas Noches.
Pre-Existing Conditions
Below are
some photos of conditions in homes of Buenas Noches before we began
constructing the new eco-stoves. Smoke
and soot were evident.
The Eco-Stove Project
The stove project itself went much as it did in Planes, Playitas
and El Injerto, beginning with community meetings and the transport of
materials by mule and by hand from the end of the road.
Nelson and Community Leader Stacking Planchas
Here I Am with a Woman Getting Ready
to Fill Her Bag with Bricks
Packing a Bag of Bricks to Carry Home
Chatting with a Heavy Load
As Though It Were Nothing!
Construction Proceeded as in the other villages, so I
will not add a bunch of new pictures of the construction process. Instead, here are a few photographs of
completed stoves in Buenas Noches and El Pacayal. They speak for themselves.
Next Phase
After a hiaitus, we are now in the final planning stages to begin building eco-stoves in the villages of San Antonio la Libertád, San Antonio de Cañas and Los Lirios. The project's local support from the office of the Alcalde of Comayagua, falls under its special programs targeted at providing assistance to women. In the three villages, we have signed up 154 women to have eco-stoves in their homes. Transport and construction will begin in early December, 2014.